Monday, July 21, 2008


Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Exam for Registered Structural Engineer

My wife passed the exam with high score of 66 and lucky number last year(the total 80), however I did not. This results in that she has a higher IQ than I have. Woman do not loose to men a chance at all in terms of IQ. I am luck to have a smart wife to share life and love.
I have no more comments on that, because I have to prepare harder and harder to make things done.

Morning Eggs

Grandma of my son always wants to save money for us. This Sunday morning, mother asked wife and her sister to buy cheep eggs which was designed to allure the old customers by the Carrefour locating Lianyang community. They came back with four plastic bags of eggs , 4o eggs or so in each, with broken ones inside and yellow liquid yolk can be seen. Wife complained about the hot weather and the long waiting line, for each cunstomer can only buy one bag once appearing in one line. They went out early this moring and came back at about 10:00. They save 0.5 rmb or so for each 500g, totally about 10 rmb. Well done!
Mother began to clean the bags and washing the eggs full of egg liquid at the their surfaces.
I got up late on weekends and son has playing around me for quite a while. I felt lazy and mother hurry me to get up and do some thing useful efficiently. Rain was playing with a PSP which is playing classic music when I had my breakfast. I had a bowl of noodle soup and some dumpling. When I want to go out and take my bag with me, Rain began to realize that I was leaving, he placed down the PSP on the bed and began to chasing for me and asking for hugging. His aunt follow us outside to the hall and son pushed the button of the elevators. Serveral acquaintance appeared, teasing Rain, and Rain pointed to the elevation and repeated " ti ti" in Chinese for the elevator. His aunt embraced him and entered into the elevator as soon as possible and I said good bye to them.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Search The Love Of The God

After watching the Burke Lecture from John Shelby Spong, I feel he is really openminded and telling the truth. He says you might have life , you might have it abundently with freedom.

Son Is Addicted To Me

Before I leave to go the office in the morning and if my son is awake, it could be a big challange with patience and wisdom.
He is getting smarter and smarter.If he sees me wearing cloths, he will begin to alart; if I go out to do morning washing, he is listening; and if he hears the door shutting, he will burst into crying and will raise up from the bed. Some times he may not open his eyes and finish all his observation by listening. He mutters for hugging and outing with me.
The same scenario is applicable to my wife, even more. For in my son's kindom, Mom is the first citizen, Dad is the second, and others are the third or fourth class.
You have to cheat and abstract his attention to other things he may be interested in. Sometimes I just feel I am too cruel to leave the little life behind and just go ahead. But as a matter of fact that I am one of the breadwinner of the familiy, I have to do something rationally. Obviously I am a little bit sentimental and family centered.
From July 1, Shanghai is getting clearer and hotter by ending the endless wet weather called Meiyu Season. Though hot as it is, I feel better than the long humidity for I love the blue blue sky, the clear air and the bright sunshine.
Weekends are good, I will take you out to play, my little baby.

Friday, July 11, 2008

9:46 is late to go home

I feel a little bit satisfied and a little bit tired for I set up a little room for myself. I feel hungry and kind of numb at be back of my head. Wife called me twice and she began to doubt that I was chatting with some net friends but actually I have no net chatting friends at all.
Oh, my Godness, she is phoning me again now and I have to confess to her I made a blog and I am surprising her. She is commanding me to go home and for it is late she suggested me to take TAXI. And momie heated the dinner for me a long time ago and they are very lovely jiaozi.

First Thing of the First

This is the first day for me, a 33 year old man who has a 21 months son Rain and his lovely mother Jenny, to blog on the web.
Do you know what I feel?
I am still sitting in the meeting room with the just finished work , silence to calm, I feels tired and becoming a little bit relaxed after meditating for 15 munites.

At 6:00, I try to call my nephew Yaoyao, but my sister got the call and told me that he is on the way back from his grandpa, my dad, with his aunt, my youger sister, and her son, another nephew Chenchen.

I asked her if she felt better from diabetes, she just told me no big deal and felt not too bad. I knew she lied to me and would not like my mother to know that she is getting worse.I felt she was a little bit tired. Anyway, she has a kind and strong mind but I can never tell 100% what she is thinking. She told me she found a batch buyer for dad's early mature apples, that could saved time for him to dogwatch the apple trees and do some farmer works. Although the price would be lower than in the market, but it will be good for father. She also told my father's litter complaints about the price, but it is better that the old man to sell them on the village market in person and leave the apple trees alone.

I called mother who is cooking dinner for us with my wife's third sister in my apartment in Pudong. She was busy doing thing and quickly dropped the line.

Here now, after writing things above, I feel totally calm down and the whole office is so queit because every body went for weekend as soon as possible execpt few srange guys like I am.

What kind of blog I am going to write? I still have no idea. But there is one thing is sure, I will follow my life and feelings.