Friday, October 10, 2008

E-say 2008-10-10

英语口语培训专家/易说堂英语 ::e-say: "Today's Correction & Comment:
Hi Nicholas

Wrong Pronunciation

Wrong Expression
: became-become a person who...

New words & Idiomatic expression you didn't understand during class
:financial securied
greedy-adjective, greed·i·er, greed·i·est. --. excessively or inordinately desirous of wealth, profit, etc.; avaricious: the greedy owners of the company.
perceive-verb (used with object), -ceived, -ceiv·ing. 1. to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses: I perceived an object looming through the mist.
2. to recognize, discern, envision, or understand: I perceive a note of sarcasm in your voice. This is a nice idea but I perceive difficulties in putting it into practice.

Thank you
Teacher Jeffrey"

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