Sunday, November 9, 2008


November 09
Beginning of the winter in 2008
It is a nice day in Shanghai and a little bit of cool, a lazy and short week end in the beginning of the winter in 2008.
I am here in the office to learn English though I am missing my little baby a little.
It is very happy that in the digital world I met somebody and began to talk to each other.
But in the afternoon, the silence is changing my feeling.
What happened to me?
I felt I was such kind of ego with contradiction, just like the silent office, nobody should work on weekends, but I am here to study English.
I have been in Shanghai for 7 years since April of 2002. I remembered at that time I was alone and feels alone just like I am now in the office, especially when the ventilation is blowing slightly from the screens from the ceiling. It is making me feel like I am living in a office of South Pole surrounded by the miles of miles snows. But I know the out side is so crowded.
My wife and I planned to live in different place, mostly could be in Australia for the other half of our lives or we don't know.
Anyway, we began to fine something new and step forward. We want to jump of the little box to see the world.
Runrun has no choice in this time, we will make decision for him, haha, we don't know he does like it or nor, but I see he likes the blue blue sea and the sky.
Wish god bless us.

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