Wednesday, November 26, 2008

E-say 2008-11-26

Today's Correction & Comment:
Hi Nicholas

Wrong Pronunciation

Wrong Expression
: roller skating/roller blading/inline skating

New words & Idiomatic expression you didn't understand during class
:soya beans are great source of protein

endorsement>the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements"

Qigong (or ch'i kung) refers to a wide variety of traditional cultivation practices that involve methods of accumulating, circulating, and working with Qi or energy within the body. Qigong is sometimes mistakenly said to always involve movement and/or regulated breathing; in fact, use of special methods of focusing on particular energy centers in and around the body are common in the higher level or evolved forms of Qigong. Qigong is practised for health maintenance purposes, as a therapeutic intervention, as a medical profession, a spiritual path and/or component of Chinese martial arts.
The qi in qigong means breath or air in Chinese, and, by extension, life force, dynamic energy or even cosmic breath. Gong means work applied to a discipline or the resultant level of skill, so qigong is thus breath work or energy work.
Attitudes toward the scientific basis for qigong vary markedly. Most Western medical practitioners and many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the Chinese government, view qigong as a set of breathing and movement exercises, with possible benefits to health through stress reduction and exercise.

Thank you
Teacher Jeffrey

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