Tuesday, November 18, 2008


In order to make blogging faster I searched for the softwares on the internet. Now I am trying to use Flock to blog. After installation, I find, first of all, it is a very good Feeds reader and the interface is very friendly. Now I am learning how to blog trough it, this article is a test.

Now I push the Publish button at the right down side of this interface.

Yeah, I see it on my blog. Come back to edit it, it seems so easy for I've saved it by Flock and open it again and add this sentences i am typing. What I need to do is to Publish it again and replace the old one. It is really so good in editing the articles, so I love it now.

But there is still a question, how to edit with pictures easily, I need to discover it.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

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