Thursday, November 13, 2008

E-say 2008-11-13

英语口语培训专家/易说堂英语 ::e-say: "Today's Correction & Comment:
Hi Nicholas

Wrong Pronunciation

: 'Golden Prosperity Building'

Wrong Expression

: brother in law
common laws (family)

it has a revolving restaurant
skyscraper or highriser
New words & Idiomatic expression you didn't understand during class

:crew-noun a group of persons involved in a particular kind of work or working together: the crew of a train; a wrecking crew.

The exterior curtain wall is made of glass, stainless steel, aluminium, and granite, and is criss-crossed by complex latticework cladding made of aluminum alloy pipes.
The building has 3 main entrances to the lobby, two for the office portion and one for the hotel.

Thank you
Teacher Jeffrey"

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